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Use the FORCE - The Power of Structured AI Prompts

Harnessing the power of AI requires a method.

For me, that's templates. Whether it's for emails, project plans, or AI prompts, templates streamline the process.

A well-structured prompt enhances AI outputs. If you're dipping your toes into AI prompting, consider using our template for optimal results:

Use the FORCE Template


Take the role of a [Job Title or best role suited for the task]


A clear concise statement stating what you want accomplished.


List the constraints or must haves of how you want the job completed.


Provide information as if talking to talking to colleague on what you want done.


Here is an example prompt for writing a software feature.

Take the role of a SAFe Product Manager.

Elaborate the "Produce RFP Annotated Outline using AI" software feature.

Use the template provided in the Example section.

Our software platform helps businesses work faster, scale, and make more money by providing AI capabilities that accomplish day-to-day business tasks.

Problem Statement
This allows you to identify and express the issue that is causing the need for the feature.

Feature Hypothesis
Succinctly states what the solution will be and what impact that solution would have to existing customers as well as overcoming sales objections.

Key Subject Matter Experts
A list of team members that can act as the Subject Matter Expert.

External Dependencies
Identify dependencies with other teams where we are supplying a solution to help another team or where we would be consuming a solution from another team.  The other obvious scenario is where an interface is being developed between two teams applications.

Non-Functional Requirements
List tasks that are outside of the actual development, but should be considered.  This could be ensuring all translations are entered for new messages or labels.  It could also be something to ensure that performance is acceptable.

User Stories
Features are made up of User Stories.  The User Stories deal with specific outcomes and behaviors needed to support the feature.  This helps the developers to create the needed user stories and estimate the level of effort to complete the Feature.

Acceptance Criteria
1. A
2. B

Here is the ChatGPT 3.5 Response

**Feature: Produce RFP Annotated Outline using AI**

**Problem Statement:**
Many businesses face the challenge of creating Request for Proposal (RFP) documents, which are critical for acquiring new clients and projects. However, this process is often time-consuming and error-prone, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. There is a need for a solution that can automate the generation of RFP annotated outlines to streamline and improve this crucial business task.

**Feature Hypothesis:**
By introducing the "Produce RFP Annotated Outline using AI" feature, we aim to provide our users with a powerful tool that will automatically generate RFP annotated outlines based on provided information, saving them significant time and effort. This feature will enhance customer satisfaction by reducing manual work, minimizing errors, and accelerating the RFP creation process. Additionally, it will help overcome objections related to the time and complexity of creating RFP documents, making our platform more appealing to potential customers.

**Key Subject Matter Experts:**
- John Smith (Product Owner)
- Sarah Johnson (AI Specialist)
- Mary Davis (Business Analyst)
- Robert Lee (Technical Lead)

**External Dependencies:**
1. Integration with the CRM team's software to access client information for personalized RFPs.
2. Collaboration with the AI research team to ensure the AI model used for generating outlines is up-to-date and accurate.
3. Coordination with the UI/UX team to implement an intuitive user interface for inputting RFP details.
4. Collaboration with the documentation team to ensure that the generated outlines are in compliance with industry standards and regulations.

**Non-Functional Requirements:**
1. Performance: The feature should generate RFP annotated outlines within seconds, even for complex RFPs.
2. Security: Ensure that user data and generated RFP content are kept confidential and comply with data protection regulations.
3. Scalability: The system should handle a growing number of users and RFP requests without performance degradation.
4. Error Handling: Implement robust error handling mechanisms to gracefully handle unexpected scenarios and provide meaningful error messages to users.
5. Accessibility: Ensure that the user interface is accessible to individuals with disabilities, complying with accessibility standards.

**User Stories:**
1. As a business user, I want to be able to input basic information about an RFP, such as the client's name, project details, and requirements, so that I can use the AI-powered tool to generate an annotated outline quickly.

2. As a power user, I want the ability to customize the generated RFP annotated outline by adding or removing sections and adjusting content, ensuring it aligns perfectly with my project's needs.

3. As a team manager, I want to have collaboration features that allow multiple team members to work on an RFP annotated outline simultaneously, improving efficiency and collaboration.

4. As a compliance officer, I want to ensure that the generated RFP outlines comply with industry-specific standards and regulations, and that the AI model used for generation is periodically reviewed for accuracy and compliance.

**Acceptance Criteria:**
1. The system should allow users to input basic RFP information, including client details, project scope, and specific requirements.
2. The AI-powered tool should generate an annotated outline for the RFP, including sections such as introduction, executive summary, scope of work, pricing, and terms and conditions.
3. Users should have the option to customize the generated outline by adding, editing, or removing sections and content.
4. Collaboration features should enable multiple team members to work on an RFP annotated outline simultaneously.
5. The generated outlines should comply with industry standards and regulations relevant to the user's business domain.
6. The system should provide performance that ensures RFP outlines are generated quickly, even for complex RFPs.
7. Security measures should be in place to protect user data and the content of generated RFP outlines.
8. The user interface should be accessible to individuals with disabilities, complying with accessibility standards.

Happy prompting!

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